Saturday, June 27, 2009

Free Laptop Computer, How and Where

by brenda moore
Is there really any way to get a free laptop? If you are diligent in your searching, you may very well be surprised what you discover once embarking on this journey. There are probably resources available to you that you never even considered.

If you use the Internet, you probably have seen the advertisements for how you can get a free laptop computer. There are variations to each company’s offer, but most of them require that you complete only a couple of requirements in order to receive your free laptop. Each offer differs, so be sure to check guidelines.

This sounds great, but how can you tell which free laptop offers are legitimate? First, you should check out the experiences that others have had using the company that you are interested in. You will not have to look very far, in most cases, as people seem more than willing to share their experiences on the Internet, whether good or bad. One company that we recommend that has a solid reputation for providing free laptops is ‘put your recommendation here’.

Participating in offers on the Internet is not the only way to get a free laptop. Many colleges and universities are now offering them to incoming freshman. So if you or child is going to college or participating in a post graduate program, there is a very real possibility that you qualify for a free laptop. These schools are charging enough for your degree, so if you can get a computer out of the deal, that is wonderful.

If you are online enough, you have probably noticed the existence of user groups or news groups. Yahoo is famous for them. Just go to and you will find groups focused on just about any and everything conceivable to the human imagination.

Strangely enough (or maybe not so strangely), you will even find groups that give away things free of charge. These groups operate on the principle that if an individual has something that he/she no longer needs that he/she should pass it on to someone who can possibly use the item. And yes, people give away computers within these groups. While you will probably not find the latest or most up-to-date free laptop here, you may be able to find something that works for you.

With a bit of creative searching, you will probably find more avenues than you thought available for your free laptop. It is true that you will need to put forth a bit of effort to locate your prize, but it will be worth it in the end.


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Laptop Computer