Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Battery Tips for Laptop Computers

by bloom media

If you use your laptop regularly whilst it’s not connected to a power supply such as on public transport or in libraries or cafes, then keeping your machine charged up is vital to make sure you stay productive. There are a number of things that you can do to keep yours charged up for longer on the move so just follow the top tips below.

If you’ve just bought a new computer then you must allow the battery to charge for at least 16 hours as it helps to initialise the battery. The battery in some models will also need to be calibrated and if that’s the case then you should refer to the original manufacturer’s instructions. It’s vital for whatever model you purchase though to fully charge the battery before you use the machine. A new battery pack needs to be fully charged a few times before it can work to full capacity so don’t be tempted to use your machine before it’s ready.

It’s a good idea to fully drain and recharge your battery pack every few months as it can help the machine to run more efficiently. You may find that after doing this, certain programmes will run faster and the overall capability of your machine will be improved.

If you find that you are between meetings and you need to use your machine for a presentation or you have important documents that you need to view then you can help to conserve your battery by turning down the brightness on your laptop screen.

To help increase the life span of the battery for the short term you could also consider removing any USB devices and closing any unused software. As a rule of thumb, if you are not using it at that moment then close it down as it will only consume already depleting battery power.

No matter how long your journey is, don’t be tempted to install or play graphics intensive video games as these can really eat up a large amount of power. Although it would be a great way to spend a couple of hours, watching a DVD on an already poorly charged battery will only make your battery burn out even more quickly. If you do want to use these programmes then make sure that you think ahead and top up plenty of battery power before your journey as it’s surprising how quickly they can drain battery power.

Keep your computer cool by not covering air vents and giving them a good clean. Warm laptop computers can eat up battery power and cooler laptops are much more energy efficient.

It’s also important to bear in mind that you need to take care of your battery pack. Take care not to drop it or expose it to water or any other type of moisture. Just by following the tips above you can ensure that your battery stays topped up so that your computer can work to optimum capacity.


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Laptop Computer