Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Laptop Computers - Upgrade Or Replace?

by Bruce Orr

Laptop computers are great. They offer convenience and flexibility to anyone who depends on a computer for their livelihood. They are also prone to annoying problems like the ones I've experienced lately. Here are just a few examples from the ongoing saga of my laptop:

• I had two instances of my Web browser open, along with a couple of other applications. As I ALT-Tabbed between apps, the ALT-Tab window - the one that displays all the open applications for you to move to - froze, front and center, on my screen. As I tried valiantly to work, the little window obstructed my view. When I happened to shut down one instance of my browser, the thing went away.

• I had one thin line on my monitor. It's like some pixels went missing or something. A few weeks later, another line appeared. If this keeps going, I imagine I'll lose a good portion of my screen by the end of the year.

• The battery conks out after less than 2 hours.

So, the question I'm left with is: should I upgrade my laptop or replace it?

Upgrading Laptop Computers - Pros and Potential Cons

The main benefit of upgrading is cost. Instead of paying for a brand new machine, I could just by a memory stick for a fraction of the price and hope that solves my problem. Memory is cheap. Refurbished memory is even cheaper. I know because my machine is ancient and, needing to look around for the right kind of memory, I checked a reseller.

For most people,
memory upgrades are enough to boost performance, if performance is the real issue.The potential con of an upgrade is that it may not fix the problem. So I could end up spending money on memory and lots of time trying to figure out how to install it, only to discover that my problem isn't fixed.

Buying a New Laptop - Pros and Potential Cons

Money is also the main concern with buying a
new laptop, but in this case, money is a "con", not a "pro". The costs of replacing technology can be significant for any business, big or small. Yes, it would be nice to have a new computer, and one that could actually handle running more than one application at a time, but is it better to take my chances on a memory upgrade? Is a new laptop affordable?

If you are in a similar situation to mine and you want an answer to that last question, here's some advice. Look closely at your current and future needs. Make sure you consider a laptop that has room for expansion, in case you find yourself in this same situation a few years from now.

Laptop computers come in a wide range of sizes, from tiny netbooks to huge desktop replacements. Take a look at the price ranges for the specs you need. It can't hurt to take a peek at the secondary market too. Used and refurbished laptop
computers work as well as new ones - albeit with fewer bells and whistles due to their age.

Like all technology, laptop computers are a blessing and a curse. They make life easier, but they also make it a lot more expensive. Before you jump into a new purchase for your old laptop, be sure to research the possibility of upgrading. If you decide to buy, do your homework. Study the laptop computers on offer and choose the one that suits your work style and your budget.\


Unknown on July 9, 2014 at 11:03 AM said...

I have seen loads of useful elements on your web site about computers. However, I’ve the opinion that laptops are still not nearly powerful more than enough to be a option if you often do tasks that require loads of power, just like video modifying. But for internet surfing, word processing, and a lot other frequent computer functions they are all right, provided you do not mind the tiny screen size. Many thanks for sharing your thinking.
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Laptop Computer