Monday, August 10, 2009

Laptop Notebook - What Defines a Laptop

by brenda moore
The laptop notebook computer is one of the greatest technological advances to come along. And you will probably find it difficult to eschew the computer if you live if the modern world, unless you are Amish. The desktop computer was a wonderful invention, but the laptop notebook computer is gaining a powerful momentum that is hard to ignore.

While people have come to use the terms laptop and notebook interchangeably to describe the portable computing devices that business owners and stay-at-home moms alike carry around, there are a few differences between the two.

A laptop computer is a portable computer that is small enough to fit comfortably in the user’s lap. They are a bit larger than their counterparts – the notebook computer. Laptop computers are normally larger to include such features as built in or removable CD ROM drives.

Most standard laptops will feature a 14 inch to 17 inch screen, a full featured keyboard, 2+ hour battery life, integrated audio system, mid to high level graphics cards, integrated modem and WiFi capabilities, and a built in or removable optical drive. Laptops offer the ability to be upgraded to some extent also.

A notebook computer is designed to be ultra-portable and ultra-lightweight. Therefore, it includes the minimal amount of features necessary to provide the greatest degree of mobility. Standard notebook computers feature 4+ hours battery life, minimal graphics system, no internal optical drive, 12 to 14 inch screen, integrated modem and network capabilities, and the smallest possible keyboard. It is also normally thinner than a traditional laptop computer.

With technology improving at such a rapid pace, though, it is now possible to include much more computing power into a smaller space. This may be one of the reasons that the line has become blurred between the laptop and notebook computers. Now, both of these mobile computing devices have simply become known as the laptop notebook.

And since the differences are so slight, there really is no harm in putting the two into the same category. Most people do not care enough to recognize the difference in the terminology anyway. They just know that they want their laptop notebook along for the ride.


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Laptop Computer