Saturday, August 1, 2009

PC Laptop Computers - Apple Macbook Computers and Notebook

by David Gabbitas
Whether a buyer chooses to opt for a Mac or a PC laptop could very well merely depend on what product they are more familiar with.

You may find consumers extremely critical of one or the other based solely on their own experiences and it does not necessarily follow that the biggest critics have actually used both products, just that they are fiercely loyal to what their own preference is (logic does not come into it).

However advances in technology make the gap between Mac and PC draw closer together on a regular basis and it is possible to use similar programs and file formats for both camps.

Cost, obviously plays a factor for most people and initially a pc comes way out on top, but, because PC’s do not come with many items of software as standard it brings the overall cost of either laptop much closer over the laptop’s expected lifetime. Can you afford to pay the higher cost of a Mac, and receive a laptop that is ready to dive right in with whatever you have in mind or would you prefer to pay less upfront, but, add to and upgrade as and when your need or your purse strings allow?
Apple Mac’s are less susceptible to virus attack than laptop PC’s because of their OS X operating system, but anti-virus, and anti-spyware software is readily available and by following simple safety precautions it is possible to avoid major problems whilst using the Windows system on a laptop PC.

If you like gaming, you will find most computer games have been written for PC’s, and that would, obviously, make you more inclined to opt for this form of laptop, but, if your line of work is video editing, graphic designing or web developing then a Mac laptop handles graphics much better and offers software suites that outperform their PC competitors.

Many factors may determine which laptop a person opts for, whether that is previous experience, work related, recommendation, cost or a combination of many factors. This is no right or wrong answer when it comes to the laptop of your dreams.


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